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Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission


Land Use Office                                                                                   Regular Meeting
Council Chamber                                                                 August 1. 2013  
Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut           

Present: Ms. Dean, Mr. Mulholland, Ms. Brymer and Mr. Porco.  Alternates: Mr. Pozek seated for Mr. Swift and Mr. Spragg.  Also present: Clerk: Ms. Wilkin

The meeting was opened at 7.35 p.m.  Notice is made that the entire meeting was taped and can be heard in the Planning and Zoning Office, Municipal Building, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut


Mandatory referral under CGS 8-7d from the Town of Easton for proposed amendment to the Town of Easton Zoning Regulations section 7.12, Special Exception for Pre-existing and Forest Activities

Ms. Dean advised that she had not received this information in time.  Any referral will be taken at the next meeting

Mandatory referral under CGS 8-7d(f) from the town of Monroe for proposed substantive revision/update of the Town of Monroe Zoning Regulations.

The revisions pertain to the Town Green District, which is far enough away not to effect Newtown.  A letter will be forwarded.


Application by Toll CT lll Limited Partnership for an extension to an amendment to a special exception to allow a temporary sales office at 176 Mt. Pleasant Road, Newtown, Connecticut

This application was withdrawn.  The temporary sales office will be removed and the land restored to its natural state as agreed by October, 2013.

Application by Toll CT lll Limited Partnership for a zone map change to add approximately 190 feet depth to the existing BPO zone with corresponding reduction in the EH-10 zone, 176 Mt. Pleasant Road, Newtown, Connecticut, as shown on a certain set of plans entitled “Proposed Amendment to Special Exception and Zone Map Change, Newtown Woods 12-16 Pocono Road and Mt. Pleasant Road (Route 6) Newtown, Connecticut” dated May 7, 2013, scale various, Assessor’s Map 2, Block 5, Lot 31

Application by Toll CT lll Limited Partnership for a two lot re-subdivision, 176 Mt. Pleasant Road and 12-16 Pocono Road, Newtown, Connecticut, as shown on a certain set of plans entitled “Proposed Amendment to Special Exception and Zone Map Change, Newtown Woods 12-16 Pocono Road and Mt. Pleasant Road (Route 6), Newtown, Connecticut” dated May 7, 2013, scale various, Assessor’s Map 2, Block 5, Lot 31

Application by Toll CT lll Limited Partnership for an amendment to a special exception to reduce the approved area for the Newtown Woods project from 49.24 acres to 48.07 acres, 176 Mt. Pleasant Road and 12-16 Pocono Road, Newtown, Connecticut, as shown on a certain set of plans entitled “Proposed Amendment to Special Exception and Zone Map Change, Newtown Woods 12-16 Pocono Road and Mt. Pleasant Road (Route 6Z) Newtown, Connecticut” dated May 7, 2013, scale various, Assessor’s Map 2, Block 5, Lot 31

Mr. Mulholland went through the history of the development for those less familiar.  Ms. Dean and other members of the Commission had walked to property and found it difficult to ascertain where the EH10 and BPO zones were.  She asked the developer to stake the property before the next meeting.  She was reluctant to make a decision until this is done and the Commission has another opportunity to walk the property.  The discussion will continue at that time.

Mr. Corigliano joined the meeting at 7:53 p.m.


Application by the Town of Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission for update to the Town of Newtown Plan of Conservation and Development

The Commission discussed the various sections of the POCD and submitted suggested changes.  Ms. Dean asked to have final comments in as soon as possible.  She wants to forward the finished document by the next meeting, at which time the Commission will vote to accept the it.  It will then be scheduled for Public Hearing.  It then has to go to HVCEA, Legislative Council and the First Selectman by the end of the month.  It will be sent electronically.  November 7, 2013 is the soonest it can be adopted.  It is more likely to be early December.  Mr. Mulholland has taken photos for the proposed front cover.


Land Use Agency Director’s Comments

Mr. Benson was not present.

Approval of Minutes

No action was taken at this time.


Mr. Pozek made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Mr. Porco.  The motion was unanimously approved.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.